Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Get a Macro View of Indelible: The Platinum Photographs of Larry McNeill & Will Wilson

Follow those three easy steps and you're all set. 
If you prefer clicking to typing, use the links below.

Virtual Reality Experiences Await Discovery

Every photograph in this exhibit acts as a trigger. Open Aurasma, point your camera at the photograph, and additional information, such as audio clips, videos and websites will open so you can dig deeper than the label information on the walls.

Gather Up Your Virtual Reality Explorer's Tool Bag

If you didn't follow the graphic above, you'll need a tool and data to get started. To reveal the hidden information: 
  1. load the Aurasma app on your iOS or Android device,
    ( or
  2. visit to load our data, and
  3. point your camera at any photo in the exhibit and wait a moment.
    Pages will load with the voices, videos or websites of the photographers and those in the photographs. 
You can take a tour of the exhibit from home by visiting  We want everyone to have a chance to learn more.

  1. Focal Site.